Ryan Richard Nych
RRNych Writes
Smoke Signal - News, Links, Events
November 01, 2016
BucktailOutdoors has launched a poem/article of mine = "I Saw My First Coyote" and "Wonders"
September 30, 2016
Northwestern Pennsylvania Edition named "Silo-Filling Feasts and Sunday Chicken." Marshall and I (of course along with other Pennsylvanians) will be featured. I starting on page 142. Marshall on page 48. Should be an interesting tome of PA memories and anecdotal history.
September 07, 2016
Big Changes Here, There, and Everywhere
As of 12:58 p.m on 8/17/16, my wife and I became parents to River Richard Nych. This is a big change for my little family and a wonderful addition to the little farm. However, I haven't been able to keep up with a regular blog post when I was trying to prepare everything this summer. And of course, the family, my students, and the farm still demand so much attention.
I intend to work on several aspects of my writing; becoming more diligent, finding myself a routine, and putting myself out there. As such, here are some of my future goals for this site by 2017.
I would like to put up regular posts. I will attempt a schedule I will call the Second Saturday Schedule with monthly content to my "Journal" section.
I would like to become more interactive with my audience.
I also intend on dabbling in some more mixed media and challenging myself creativly in this way, so a YouTube channel or possible podcast - especially if I can work with others to make this a point. (Hint hint Marshall and Nathan, a Nych Brother's Media may be needed)
June 02, 2016
I have been working with the amazing editor and passionate Pennsylvania Sportman, Steve Kish of BucktailOutdoors.com on a hopefully unique contribution. Outdoor poetry piece with a similarly themed short story and pictures. I will appear in his Summer of 2016 release (in a few days) and I hope to continue building a great relationship with Bucktail Outdoors.
Summer 2016 - A Fisherman Reflects Upon His Catch (Sonnet) and Treats (short story)
May 20, 2016
Hometown Memories
A piece I wrote, "Entering the Deep," will be featured in a Hometown Memories book that focuses on Northwestern PA. Turns out Marshall also wrote a piece that is about Grandpa's ponds. Although it would be interesting to hear how many other people in the area remember "Nych's Ditches," the rest should be colorful accounts of the steel industry, steelhead, and a myriad of other interesting local histories that are only known to those who experienced it. I like what the publisher is doing before the living histories are no longer told.
Release date set for Fall 2016, but you can pre-order today!
May 12, 2016
New Member of Shenango River Watchers
I've spent much of my life avoiding the Shenango River because of the stigma attached to it. Dirty, small, not worth the time. These were the usual comments heard and thus made about the Shenango River. Compared to other local waters, I rarely fish it and barely paddle it; I drive hours and call the beautiful Allegheny River my home waters. (I will not change my opinion on the Allegheny either!)
But lately I work in the city of Sharon. Sharon has had a similar stigma (actually gave the stigma to the river really.) After working here I realize that hearsay is not experience. I see that the city may have its bumps and bruises and its problems, but it also has so much hope. The people, the area, all of it has a high potential that it forgot about after the steel boom rusted out, but it is hopeful and recovering. Art is flourishing and they are building community with Sharon Waterfire. The students are some of the most driven I've seen.
This fine organization is trying to break free and change the negative preception of this promising waterway, and it is time for my family to support their cause and beautify and protect the waters of home!
May 10, 2016
POWA Conference in Sayre, PA
Looking forward to this weekend. I will be meeting and learning from fellow writers, spending time with my brother, and going fishing in new waters.
March 15, 2016
Backwoodsman Magazine Soon
I have recieved good word for an article I wrote for Backwoodsman Magazine from Charlie Richie Sr. I am very excited for this opportunity, sharing the pages with other like-minded folks. I have been a reader for many years and only became more loyal to their work by how great Charlie is to work with.