Ryan Richard Nych
RRNych Writes
Trail Blazers - Inspirations
"I've gone to look for myself. If I get back before I return, keep me here."
These are the writers in which I have found myself drawn. Reading their works have allowed me to better understand my world, my passions, and myself.
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Aldo Leopold
A Sand County Almanac with Essays on Conservation from Round River has been my favorite book of all time. This was the first book that made me realize that knowledge, passion, poetic prose, and nature can go hand in hand. Aldo's beautiful words teach and touch. The rest of the world is still trying to catch up to his understanding of ecology and ethics.
Norman Maclean
A River Runs Through It is a perfectly crafted novella. He explores the world of his youth and adulthood and understands it through fly-fishing, family, and faith.
I'm not supposed to admit it, but I enjoy the movie as well, but absolutely love listening to the soundtrack.
Pink Floyd/ Roger Waters
As long as I mentioned music, my life would not be the same without the influence of this band, and Waters' lyrics. The concept albums, artwork, and poetry are one of a kind. I do not believe there will ever be another band as talented.
David James Duncan
Duncan's ability to connect aspects of nature writing flawlessly into fiction, nonfiction, and philosophy all while telling gripping and fascinating stories is worthy of mentioning to any fisherman, outdoorsman, nature writer, or philosopher.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Father of Transcendentalism. I find his writing more tolerant and philosophical than his more famous student/friend Henry David Thoreau
I'll will add Thoreau for his spectacular model of journaling techniques and natural voice as an author.
My Fellow Pennsylvanians
Three of some of my favorite favorite authors have been fellow Pennsylvanians.
Childhood Favorites
These three authors helped me realize the importance of style and creation of voice.
Jesus Christ
All glory be to God. Without Him, nothing would be possible. My passion is Nature, because that is the place that bring me peace, brings me closer.