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Alphabetical Advice

I came across an old entry in my journal that was labeled as a writing prompt "Alphabetical Advice," but I'm not sure from whom. My guess would a student who aspires to be a writer as well, G. J.. "Following the alphabet, give one bit of life advice you would give to someone." My Response:

A lways show respect.

B e true to yourself, but strive for the Best you that you can be.

C elebrate life. It's a miracle, so enjoy it.

D on't hold grudges. Not worth the time and energy. I think they cause cancer!

E levate, Educate, Evaluate yourself. oh, Earth )and earth) matters.

F orgive. Also, I Forgot to say E mpathize.

G o for your dreams. Greatness does not wait for you. (and of course,) Go Fishing.

H elp your fellow man if able.

I ndividuals can make a difference. Remember we are social animals.

J ust because most of these are positive, make sure you know who to trust

K ings can only lead if they are followed.

L eisure time is not a waste. Develop skills and passions that help give you identity.

M oney is helpful, but don't make it a priority or a goal.

N obody is you but you. Embrace yourself.

O pen mindedness is important (because...)

P erspective becomes truth

Q uery your world. Question everything, including self, and always allow for answers.

R elax. Reflect.

S pirituality. Find It, Hold It, Believe It, Live It. (But remember) Spirituality is not Superiority!

T here are three sides to every story. Yours, Theirs, and Truth.

U niqueness is not fitting a mold, not becoming a stereotype, not conforming even to nonconformity

V oices must always be heard, but arguments must always be valid.

W ho, what, when, where, why, how? Answer all and understand before judging. Water = Life

X is not an acceptable replacement for Christ.

Y elling proves only volume of lungs, not value of thought.

Z ero percent chance of surviving for the unprepared and unwilling.

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