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I Haven't Disappeared

Reading a James Prosek book with River

I have not been keeping up with any blog posts, writings, or publications as I would have wished for this year. For my fellow POWA members and any fans that have been following me, I do apologize. I know what they say about excuses and the analogy that is usually attached to them, but I have been spending so much of my time finding my new job as an English Educator at a local county Vocational School and trying to help jump start their Conservation Club efforts, working on the house and hobby farm, and spending as much time as possible with my one-year old son, River, that I haven't had any time for much else. Yes, sadly, that includes the motivation and inspiration for most of my writing, which is fishing and hunting. Not that Nature Walks with River aren't inspiring; truly, they are, but getting the pen to the paper or typing the words and emotions are something I haven't learned to manage my time with yet.

I do hope to get it all figured out; I want to learn to balance the teaching career and writing career along with chores, being a husband, being a father, hunter, fisherman, etc.. I do know one thing for sure though, as soon as I felt River's first grip to my finger and heard his first breath, being a father quickly skyrocketed to priority number one. I know that he will inspire and motivate me to balance the others, it just may take awhile for me to realize how to that when all I WANT to do is spend as much time with him as possible. All we ever hear from other parents and grandparents is that "they grow up so fast" and "cherish these moments." I don't want to let a single one go. For now, I just want my readers to know I have not abandoned my dreams of writing. My students need more of my attention and so does my son.

As for the Conservation Club I am advising, I hope to make great things happen with it. The club has great potential. I am working on creating a website for the LCCTC's Conservation Club that I will link to this site as soon as I get it up and running. I have thought of many initiatives I would like to start so that our club will be recognized and helped by our surrounding areas. As with any start up, if you wish to contact me with ideas of programs and advise for a starting Conservation Club feel free to contact me through the site.


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