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R.I.P Sidney

It is with a heavy heart I arrived home from the POWA conferences this weekend. As I was away, the best dog I've ever known was laid to rest. Her liver started failing earlier in the week and was beginning to swell to a concerning size. Before leaving with Marshall for the weekend, I drove her with Brenda to the emergency vet. Sunday morning as I was checking out of the hotel, Sidney was checking out too. She was a great dog, a best friend, and a decent fishing partner. She will be greatly missed on the farm and everyday. It was hard not to fall in love with Sid as even "cat people" couldn't help but play with her. As a drop off, we laid her to rest in a flower bed in Brenda's backyard only feet from where she was found... I've met more well-trained dogs (Sid was not a hunter), but I've never met a more perfect example of a good dog; she was the epitome of the companion. She will now be the dog all others are compared to in my mind.

Oddly enough, we also have an arrival to the farm after my little sister's lab had pups. We had hoped that Sid would be there to show Johnny Cash how to act and make him walk the line, but things work they way they do. He is just a pup and will grow to be larger than Sid in all, but Sid left very big shoes to fill.

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